Saturday, June 16, 2012

Momentum begins when belief sets in.

Someone asked me where I read this, or to whom I should attribute this quote. Honestly, I don't remember reading it anywhere, although I could be wrong about that. Sometimes the sub-conscious retains a memory even if you are not aware that it is a memory, so if this saying has been used before, I stand corrected.

However, whether I remembered this or thought it up isn't the question, or even important; what matters is the message. It is the rare person who can recommend something to someone else if they do not first believe in what it is they are other words, lie to someone. At least, it is the rare person who can lie and be convincing about it. And that's the point of the message.

Momentum begins when belief sets in. See, if you believe in something, then that belief comes across when you tell someone else about it, whatever 'it' happens to be. My friends know that I am extremely skeptical, sometimes to the point of cynicism; it's one of the character traits that I am working to change. But for me to recommend something to someone, I must be convinced that it is 100% true. If someone does not act on my recommendation, that's okay.The last thing I want to do is talk someone into doing something (or eating somewhere, or seeing a movie, or whatever) that they do not want to do.

One definition of Momentum is" "the impetus gained by a moving object." This fits the phrase perfectly. When you believe something strong enough, you can almost will it into action. We're seeing that in Memphis right now, it's amazing to behold, when something begins to move (or grow) of its own accord. Of course, it's because belief has set in.

The only thing left now is to enjoy the ride.

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