Thursday, October 6, 2011

No moment is wasted if you are learning something new

I've been on this philosophical bent of late, but I suppose that's what happens when you re-engage your brain after being on cruise control for a few decades. I was on the phone last night until about ten o'clock discussing business, ate a late dinner and then tried to do a little more work before going to bed. I was pretty tired after a long day.

But, lo and behold, some compartment of my mind opened and instead of writing book descriptions or something similar, I worked on the book I'm writing, which I had not done for weeks. That long business discussion apparently weakened the wall of writer's block that was holding me back, although I have no idea how or why. There was one particular passage that was giving me trouble. When you write non-fiction, and you have multiple sources relating the same incident but with differing details, it's often hard to reconcile them. Then, when you have different incidents happening in the same area on the same day, but unrelated to each other, it's very hard to construct a whole that makes any sense.

And yet there it was, the whole story just flowing out the way that it should and coming together to form a cohesive picture. It was great. So, why did the long conversation about something totally unrelated break down whatever barrier my mind had erected? I have no idea. But it did, and I'm grateful. No matter what you may be doing, no moment is wasted if you are learning something.

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