Monday, October 24, 2011

The big picture

Isn't it amazing how much effect your mental state has on your physical being? Today is a chilly, foggy morning in Memphis, my neck hurts from the old wound and a very busy Sunday has left me tired, yet today is a glorious Monday filled with promise and opportunity.

When you work for yourself there are always those moments of worry about this or that decision, or fretting when business isn't what you expect or a customer is not happy. These things happen and when you're the boss, it's up to you to take care of the problem, whatever it might be. And this is when the lure of working for someone else is strongest, the comfort of knowing that your paycheck is coming, that as long as you do X amount of work you will receive X amount of pay, that all of the problems fall on someone else.

This attitude, of course, is illusory. Because if there are problems at a job where you work for someone else there is a feeling of helplessness and inevitability to them, because only the boss of bosses can do anything about correcting things. Decisions are out of your hands. Your fate is not your own.

So give me independence every time. Let me look on a foggy, chilly morning and see the successes yet to come, not the failures I have always dreaded. Let me be glad that my commute to work is up 13 steps, that my biggest fear on the way is spilling my coffee. I'm not sure why I resisted this outlook on life for so long, but there's no point wallowing in regret. I found it now and that's enough.

Yowzer, let's get this week going!

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