Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I was too smart to learn

It's a terrible realization, a hard thing to admit. You live most of your life thinking that you have achieved a place of wisdom and sound judgment, only to realize that what you perceived as wisdom was, in fact, mental laziness. Essentially, you, who value academic truth and perpetual questioning in search of that truth, have been fooling yourself into believing that you were being objective and rational, when the opposite was the truth. At some point you stopped listening because you already knew what the person was going to tell you, or what you were going to read, and you already had your opinion formed, even if that opinion were based on little or no first-hand knowledge. Frankly, I'm not sure that many people ever actually reach this point of realization. Maybe most people my age have stopped the process of self-evaluation that leads to such breakthroughs in enlightenment.

Thank God I haven't. Or, to be more accurate, I have pushed beyond that barrier. As our faithful readers know we have started a new business, one that I questioned for months. Somehow, though, God granted me just enough new-found insight to lead me into the process of exploration and discovery. In turn, that had made me realize just how completely wrong I had been. Where I saw inequity, there was equality. What I thought was real was actually a mirage, and the mirage was reality. How did I fall so far as to dismiss truth in favor of chimera?

It's hard to say, now. But it no longer really matters, as long as I don't fall into that same trap ever again. The road is new and straight for the first time in ages, and all I have to do is follow it wherever it may lead.

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