Saturday, October 22, 2011


I've never been big on motivational type stuff, although Kathy has, so I think this may be the big change in me that everybody keeps mentioning. I had gotten pretty comfortable in my curmudgeonly status of being the gruff and cynical, but ultimately lovable (ha!) guy that everybody can always count of to rip something without thinking about it. And we all know someone like that, right? Not the mean sort, who say hurtful things to be hurtful, just the wink-and-a-nod type cynic. That was me.

Well, now it's not. And the operative word for me to concentrate on above is 'comfortable'. A synonym for comfortable is also 'stale'. I had done what I now see so many other people have done, they put life on auto-pilot and reclined for a nap. But rather than bemoan the years I could have been actively living, I choose to be thankful that I have finally snapped out of the sleep-walking through life that I had been doing and have re-engaged the gears, rusty though they might be.

Now the big question is: how do I take care of these dogs so I can head to Cozumel for a break?

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