Friday, January 27, 2012

Some people love Fridays, I love every day

So there was this person who loved Fridays, because that meant the weekend had arrived and they would have two days off from work to decompress and let their mind regenerate before having to start all over again on Monday. See, they hated their job. Sometimes on Sundays they would cry because they had to go to work the next day, work they hated, but which they had to do to pay the bills. Each day was drudgery and misery.

Am I talking about you?

I don't know, am I?

And, if I am, are you so miserable that you want to do something about it? Matt Morris tells the story of an old man sitting on a bench with a dog sitting beside him. The dog was howling in obvious pain, and a passerby asked what was the matter.

"The dog is sitting on a nail," the man said.

Confused, the passerby asked, "then why doesn't have get up and move?"

The old man thought for a minute, and said: "I guess it doesn't hurt bad enough yet."

So I guess for those folks who hate their jobs, but pooh-pooh the idea of actually doing something different, the pain just isn't great enough yet. Sure, the economy isn't the best, and we all may have to work at something we don't like for a while. But your situation today is because of the decisions you made three years ago; if you change nothing, nothing will change. You can either keep sitting on the nail and howling, in which case most people are going to get sick of hearing it, or you can get up and move and start to improve your life.

The choice is yours.

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