Sunday, January 1, 2012

Let's get this party started!

Sorry about the long delay in blog entries, but somehow the holidays just take over and squeeze out of all your time. Now they are done, the sun is shining, it is seasonally warm in Memphis and 2012 is shaping up to be the best year ever!

When people ask me how the new business is going, the only truthful answer I can give them is that "it's life-changing." See, it really IS life-changing. I know that sounds pat, maybe even trite, but it's true. Kathy and my outlook is radically different than a year ago, we are completely convinced that the future is bright, and really the only thing we want to do now is help others who see our vision of hope.

This is hard to understand, I know, and sounds utopian (but definitely NOT dystopian), but it's entirely true. We could not be happier at what we have chosen to pursue. And this is a strange thing, because when you have reached your mid-50's, it's hard, very hard, to change the path you are on. Or even to walk a second path simultaneously, which is what we are doing.

I mean, think about it...if you are past 40, and you have training or a career that are not the most in-demand skill sets at the moment, how do you go about changing your circumstances? Look for a new job? Okay, but doing what? In most circumstances you will wind up doing something that has a low entry-threshold but also requires immense effort for success. That is, the company that hires you because it does not cost them much to do so, but they also do not have to put many resources into your success or failure because they don't really care which happens, they are looking at the numbers. Hire a lot, lose a lot, pan for the gold and keep that while discarding the rest. When someone succeeds, THEN they put resources into them. Until then, you're on your own. Your only other real choice is to trade your time for money, and while we all have to do that sometimes, as Napoleon Hill discovered only poor people want to be paid for their time, rich people want to be paid for their results.

Thank God we have found something where it's all-for-one and one-for-all, where everybody helps everybody else. What are the odds that at our age such a golden opportunity would have come our way? Low. So don't think for one second that we don't know how blessed we are. We do know it, and that's why we're convinced 2012 is going to be spectacular, and the heck with the Mayans!

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