Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Attitude is a choice

Wow, did anybody get the number of the bus that ran over me? Feeling pretty tired today after a long weekend doing something I would have preferred to put off indefinitely. Kathy and I were both up late attending to work that had gone undone while we were busy elsewhere, and it would be very easy to say that we deserved a day off today, to just kick back and relax. It's probably even a good idea.

But that's not how we roll. She is off doing her thing and I'm plunging right back into the work that I love. So what if I'm tired, the day is dreary and the weekend was potentially depressing, attitude is a choice and I choose to be excited. I speak to people all the time who are so scared of doing anything new that they are happened just yesterday. Someone is given an opportunity but don't even show up for an appointment because they are so scared of...of what, exactly? Beats me. Last week I invited someone to meet me for lunch, but all of a sudden there were pre-conditions on our meeting, 'I'll come if this' or 'I won't come if that'. If somebody invited me to have a cup of coffee, I would never say 'fine, as long as...' I would either say 'yes' or 'no', depending on if I wanted to have a cup of coffee with them.

However, I now understand the 17 Rules of Wealth much, much better than I did before launching this newest venture. Wealthy people hear of an opportunity and pursue it, poor people hear of an opportunity and run the other way. I'm not sure why yet, but I know it happens. I see it everyday. As Napoleon Hill wrote, and I blogged about recently, poor people want to be paid for their time, rich people want to be paid for their results.

Yep. It's true. I don't yet know WHY it's true, but it is. Just like how you view opportunity is your choice, so is attitude. I could be very down today, but I choose the opposite. I choose to be fired up and ready to go. Rock and roll!

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