Thursday, November 24, 2011

Notes from an inspirational weekend - Part One

Going over some notes from our sojourn to Tupelo and a lot of this is too good not to share. Tupelo was billed as a training event, and it was, but like everything else with this project it is half self-improvement. I have never met a group of people more dedicated to helping the individual find their passion in life and pursue it, while learning to help others. Sometimes, I feel like a missionary.

Anyway, let's start with this one: "Life is short and you can never get your time back, so why settle for doing something that is not your passion?" We all have to make a living, but is earning that paycheck keeping you from pursuing your true passion in life? If it is, what are you doing to change your circumstances? My passion in life is to travel the world, visit historical sites, research and write books, then rest up by laying on the beach for weeks at a time. I don't think Kathy would mind tagging along for the ride, as long as there were equestrian shops along the way like the one we found in Salzburg, and we can proudly say that we have taken the first step to make this a reality. Can you say the same thing? If 'yes', then well done and have at it! If 'no', well, what's holding you back?

For most of us, other people control most of our life. You might not like to admit it, but it's true. How do you feel about that? If you're okay with it, and frankly I think most people are, then you're probably shaking your head while reading this blog, wondering what the heck I'm talking about. But if you're not okay with it, we go back to the same question I just asked: what are you doing about it? What is your plan to change your life a year from now?

If you have a dream and you are not actively fighting to make it a reality, then it is and will remain nothing more than a dream. If you want your dream to become reality, then you're going to have to fight for it, because I can assure you that nobody else will. But if you want help in finding Plan B, let me know, maybe I can help. Didn't I tell you that I felt like a missionary?

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