I do not believe in horoscopes: let's make that clear on the front end. But that does not mean they have no value. Sometimes the message is right on point, even if it's not determined by positioning of the celestial bodies. In that spirit, today's 'scope says: "Share some of your good energy with colleagues or friends- they can use some! At least one is consumed with worry or fear, and you can show them there is in fact a bright side."
My energy is going to be good, then, but maybe tinged with a little kick-in-the-buttness. If that's you, if you are eaten up with worry about something, let me tell you that there is a way out. I may not know what that is, but I know there is a way. There is always a way. But as long as you are terrified, you will never find it, even if someone shows it to you.
Honestly, I see this every day. A great many people no longer trust themselves, and that's a shame. See, if you are rely on others for your self-esteem, or your livelihood, then you will always be at their mercy as to whether or not your life is going to go well. The one person in the world you should always be able to count on is yourself, but, sadly, too few people trust themselves any more. And too many make a decision to follow their dream, only to allow others to snatch it away from them, to talk them out of it. I saw this happen just yesterday, and it's not the first time.
So that's my advice: believe in yourself. Find your dream and fight for it, because nobody else is going to. I have found mine and just try to steal it from me! We all fight for something every day, be it a paycheck, our kids, our way of life, whatever, we all get up every day and go scramble to make something happen. But it's a lot more fun when what you are fighting for is something you want to create for yourself.
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