Friday, May 11, 2012

Top 25 Online Colleges, Dr. Charles King and why it matters

I completed my college degree online, from The University of Memphis. When some people hear that, they automatically think this is some sort of shortcut to a degree, that the material and coursework were less challenging than a traditional classroom setting...nothing could be further from the truth, at least in my experience. I actually did four or five times as much reading and writing for the courses I took than I had expected to; it was hard as-...well, it was hard.

Anyway, here's a link to one site's Top 25 Online Colleges in America: Top 25

I'm sure there is some subjectivity to this list, and there are other online universities that I know for a fact are top-notch that are not on this list, but that's not the point of today's blog. What is important is that The University of Illinois-Chicago is on this list at #12, and that is the home of Dr. Charles King. Professor King is a Harvard-educated business teacher who thinks outside the box, who believes in using the power of the American dream to its fullest potential, and that corporate America often keeps people dependent on the company to leverage their time as cheaply as possible, thus maximizing profits.

Like other luminaries, such as Warren Buffett, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyasaki, Dr. King believes in the power of the individual to create his or her own wealth, and teaches an extensive curriculum on the home-based business and entrepreneurship. So many people are terrified of working for themselves and it is forward-thinkers such as Dr. King who try to overcome that fear. Here is a short bio for this amazing man: Dr. Charles King

Probably the most frustrating thing I have encountered in the past few years are people selling their talents cheaply because they are afraid of failure, because they have never been taught how to believe in themselves and therefore dream small. People like Dr. King advocate thinking big, dreaming big, and have made a career of showing people how to do this very thing. I'm thrilled to see his University listed among the prestigious grouping for today's topic.

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