Friday, April 20, 2012

I don't get it, but fortunately it doesn't matter in the long run

Google is changing their blog interface from one which is simple and easy to use, to one that is confusing, counter-intuitive and downright silly. I don't get why companies insist on taking something that works and messing with it until it is no longer useful, but this seems to be a consistent component of corporate America.

So, this blog will be looking for a new home and when I find one I will let everybody know.

Fortunately, such things are minor blips in an otherwise steep trajectory upwards. I spent last weekend in Las Vegas with 7,000 people from around the globe, so many that the immense ballroom we were using was barely big enough. I had personal conversations with folks from Eritrea, Zimbabwe, Singapore, Cyprus, Brazil and the U.K., an amazing grouping of talented and enthused people who helped me see the world in a new light. I heard a speech from the Minister of Tourism for Zimbabwe, who also sits on the United Nations Tourism Committee and is incoming Chairman of the African Council of Tourism, confirming that I am part of the future. Sometimes you know things objectively, but only internalize them when they are seen through the eyes of another.

Then I had a really, really eye-opening course on the effects of stress in the workplace, and the horrific consequences of our national obsession with working ourselves to death, consequences that directly affect not only the individual, meaning you and me, but also the companies that we work for. No wonder our economy is struggling.

All in all, in what is becoming a long list of moments in the past year that have changed my life, this one may be at the top of the list.

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