Monday, March 12, 2012

I don't get it

It must just be me. Every Monday I wake up excited for a new week, and every Monday I read how many people dread going to work. I love getting up on Mondays. Is that because I don't have a 'job?' It must be.

I earn money, and I want to earn a lot more money. But I don't punch a clock, and I don't want to punch a clock. I've done it before, of course; I didn't always feel this way. I didn't learn how not to punch in for work until I was in my 30s, so it's not like I'm some genius or anything. I just didn't know there was another way.

I had been sold the 40/40/40 plan. Go to school (and run up huge student debt), graduate and get a job (that wouldn't come close to paying off the debt it cost to qualify for that job), work 40+ hours a week for 40 years and then retire on 40% of what you couldn't live on before you retired. Sound familiar?

I will say that early on I learned that I preferred to be paid for my results (by working on commission) rather than for my time, so I did learn that much before my 30s. But I wish I knew then what I know now; I would have been an unemployed millionaire long ago.

The best part about waiting, however, is that now the learning curve for starting a new project has shrunk to almost nil; success is pretty much pre-packaged, like cake mix in a box. Follow the recipe and you will succeed, change the recipe and you will probably fail. As simple as that. I never would have believed it, but thank God I'm not stupid enough to overlook it.

And so that's why, when Mondays roll around, I'm pumped up to see what the week will bring. I have successfully re-wired that part of my brain. I am one lucky guy.

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