Sunday, February 5, 2012

Generational wealth

I long ago learned just how much I don't know, so let's file this one in the category of 'stuff other people have probably known for years, but is new to me'. That's one of the best benefits I have received in the last few months, being exposed to new ideas and new people containing a wealth of valuable information that is all new to me. This particular learning moment was inspired by Robb.

The Bible says that while we should not be materialistic for its own sake, we should protect the riches and blessings we are given to pass on to our descendants as generational wealth. The exact wording will vary slightly depending on which translation your prefer, but they are all essentially identical in their message, as Proverbs 13:22 commands us that, "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous." (New International Version, 1984)

I view this to mean that as we create wealth, we should protect it as the inheritance due our children and grand-children, as well as to help those less fortunate in the here and now. In this I have not been as successful to date as I would like. But at some level I recognized this; maybe that's why I was so receptive to a business concept that was so revolutionary to me at the time, I don't know. All I know is that I wanted to be more financially successful so that I could take care of my family, leave a rich legacy for my heirs, and be able to help others in a meaningful way in the meantime.

And so, while I am thrilled with our success in this new concept to date, I am also delighted by the revelations that are brought forth from shadow by my internalizing the teachings of an idea that cares as much about the inner person as it does the outer one. People are saying all the time that businesses need to have a more human side to them, that they need to care about more than just profits. Well, mine does. But then, I'm a lucky guy.

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